Eco friendly   &    non toxic products.
Organic Fertilizers   |   Bio Fertilizers   |   Growth Promoters   |   Bio Control Agents   |   Plants

a) MacTM Rhizo (Rhizobium
Rhizobium is a microbe which is highly efficient in fixing the atmosphere Nitrogen using the ‘nitrogenase’ enzyme. This Enzyme coverts N2 to ‘ammoniacal’ forms, which are easily absorbed by the plants. They form colonies on nodulations on the roots of leguminous plants.
MacTM Rhizo increases soil fertility by increasing the absorbable N2 content of the soil.

Usage manual
For cereals 200 grams MacTM Rhizo (400 grams for bigger varieties) mixed in 250 ml rice soup and made to a paste. The seeds are dipped into the paste and then dried for 30 minutes in shade and can be planted.
b) MacTM Azos (Azospirillum)
MacTM Azos is a complete bio fertilizer providing the essential nitrogen needed for the good growth of plants. Azospirillum helps in rapid induction of more roots to the plants; they are highly potent, in providing vitamins, Nicotinic acid & Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) Gibberellins (Growth hormones), to the plants.

Usage Mannual
For seed
200 gm MacTM Azos mixed in rice soup or 5% molasses solution, made to a paste and applied to seeds, dry for 30 minutes in shade and use for planting.
For young plants and plantlets
1 kg MacTM Azos dissolved in 50 litre water; dip the plants in the solution and then used for planting.
In Form
5 kg MacTM Azos mixed with 95 kg. Cow dung powder or farmyard manure or other organic manure and use in fields.

c) MacTM Phospho : (Phospho bacteria)
The phosphobacteria present in MacTM Phospho can solubilise the phosphorous present in the soil and convert them into absorbable forms for plants. Phosphorus is found in combined state with metals like Aluminium Iron etc. MacTM Phospho solublises phosphorus form and provides it to plants.
Trees like coconut, mango, paddy, areca nut, rubber; plantain, tuber crops, medicinal plants, ornamental and garden plants, spices etc. are highly benefited by the use of MacTM Phospho.

Usage Mannual
For Seed
200 gm MacTM Phospho made to a paste using rice soup or 5% molasses solution, applied to the seeds, allow drying for 50 minutes in shade and then use for planting.
For young plants
1 kg MacTM Phospho dissolved in 50 Litre water and the plants are dipped and kept for 10 minutes in the solution and then planted.
For field application
4-5 kg MacTM Phospho mix with 95 kg farmyard manure (cow dung powder) and can be applied to field.

d) MacTM VAM (Vesicular Arbescular Micorrihiza)
The VAM fungi present in MacTM VAM is capable to destroy all growth stages (egg to adult) of insects and pests that attacks the crops and makes the plant and products healthy. This fungus grows in close relation to he roots and increases the amount of soil phosphorous around it. This makes the plants grow healthier and disease free.
MacTM Vam is highly useful for crops like paddy, coconut, tamarind, plantain, Cardamom, Vanilla, Orange, Apple, cinnamon, Pepper, garden plants, cereals, Pulses etc.

Usage Mannual
In nurseries – 100 gm / sq.meter.
For fruits
50 to 250 gms can be applied to a single plant.
For crops
like Ginger, Garlic, Chillies, Vegetables Etc: - 25 – 50 kg / acre
For Coconut
250 grams – 500 grams / acre
Precautions to follow while using Bio fertilizers
Do not keep the products in direct sunlight, keep in a cost, dry place
Do not mix with chemical fertilizers or other pesticides.
Use bio fertilizers 7 – 10 days before or after 7 days from the usage of chemical fertilizers
Keep away from food particles and reach of children