Eco friendly   &    non toxic products.
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MacTM Pseudo (Pseudomonas)

MacTM Pseudo contains the bacteria Pseudomonas, which is a potent bio control agent. These acts up on microbes like Rhizoctonia and scheleroctinia which causes stump-root and root-rot of plants. Leaf blight, leaf spots, other fungal diseases etc can be well controlled and prevented by using MacTM Pseudo.

Cereals, fruit plants, pulses, vegetables, oilseeds, ornamental plants, cotton etc are the plants in which Mac pseudo is highly effective.
 Usage Manual
  For seed treatment mix 1 gram MacTM pseudo powder is dissolved in 100 ml water, the seeds are than dipped in the solution for 30 minutes and dried in shade and can be planted.’
  Prepare 1% solution (1 gm MacTMpseudo in 100 ml water) and spray to the plants at the intervals of two months.
  For ornamental plants. 5 – 10 gm. MacTM Pseudo dissolved in 10 – 15 litre water and use as needed. MacTM Pseudo is available in powder form and Liquid form

MacTMTricho (Trichoderma)

Trichoderma is an active fungal destroyer. It presents the stem-rot, root-rot, fungal infections, black spots of leaves, colour changes and pigmentations of leaves etc.
MacTM Tricho is a ‘Green-Label’ Bio control agent, as it produces no harm to human or other organisms. The metabolites of Trichoderma are helpful in plant growth.
MacTM Tricho is available in powder and liquid formulations.
 Usage Manual
  Mix 1 kg MacTM Tricho with 9 kg Neem cake and 90 kg Farmyard manure (cow dung powder); apply to the soil at the rooting base of the plant.
  Mix 4 gms MacTM Tricho powder in 100ml water and spray to the plants
  Mix 1 gm MacTM Tricho powder mixed with 100 ml cow dung solution and spray to ornamental and garden plant.


a) MacTM Neem Gold

 MacTM Neem Gold
 Natural neem oil based
MacTM Neem Gold is a natural neem oil based formulation useful as a:
  Repellent: It controls insects like white flies, leafmineras, thrips, scale insects, aphids etc, but is harmless to eco-friendly insects.
  Ovicide: Controls and destroys eggs of pests at early stages.
  Antifeedant: Controls insects by killing their hunger
  Insect growth regulant: Disturbs the reproductive systems of pests.

b) MacTM Beauveria (Beauveria bassiana)

The most striking problems of field drops like stem-borers, leaf curler worms, caterpillars, sucking insects like spider worm, aphids, scale insects, beetles, insects, mites, hoppers etc. can be well controlled and destroyed completely by using MacTM Beauveria.
Beauveria infects all growth stages of infecting pests (egg, larvae, proper, gob, rimes, adults) and destroys completely with out making any harm to man or atmosphere, there by ensuring the healthy growth of plants.
MacTM Beauveria is suitable for crops like vegetables, fruit plants, garden plants, coffee, tea, cereals, pulses etc.

Usage Manual

2 gms of MacTM Beauveria powder dissolved in 100 ml water (2% solution) can be sprayed to plants, at an interval of 15 days

c) MacTM Verticillia (Verticillium leccani)

Sucking pests like beetles, insects, mites, hoppers etc can be kept away from field drops using MacTM Verticeilia.
Verticeilia destroys all developmental stages of insects that attackes the crops. MacTM Verticeilia is suitable for drops like Mustard, Sugarcane, Mango, Cereals, cotton, tomato, tea, coffee, vegetables, chillies, onion, fruit plants, tuber crops, garden plants etc..

Usage Mannual :-
2 gm MacTM Verticeilia dissolved in 100 ml water (2% solution) and can be sprayed to the plants. The spraying can be made once in every 12-15 days based on pest populations.