Eco friendly   &    non toxic products.
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Mac Green Magic TM (Foliar Spray)

Growth hormones are a major factor included in plant growth, flowering and fruiting. Each and every function of plants is controlled by hormones. The essential hormones that are required for plants are maintained in the proportion in our product named Mac Green Magic TM, Which is a foliar spray.
Mac Green Magic TM enters into the plant body through small openings under the leaves called as the ‘stomata’. The growth hormones present in the spray ensures faster growth of the plants, early flowering and fruiting. It also enables high yields.
Mac Green Magic TM is useful to almost all crops including tea, coffee, apple, orange, vegetables, orchid, anthurium, other flowering plants, cereals, pulses etc.
Usage Mannual
Mix 1ltr Mac green Magic With 1000 ltrs of water and sprayed to the lower side of leaves
It is important to notice that the Mac Green MagicTM should be sprayed during a time of 6 – 9 in the morning and after 5 O’clock in the evening.
Care to spray the product to the lower sides of leaves.
Do not use any pesticides 30 minutes before or after the use of Mac Green MagicTM.

MacTM Grow Tonic

An excellent plant hormone formulation, that can provide adequate growth for plants. The grow tonic is highly efficient in making aged plants to develop fresh leaves and grow as young. It helps the plants grow with good leaf and stem health and increased flowering.
Usage Mannual
Mix 1ltr Mac Grow Tonic With 1000 ltrs of water and apply to the rooting base of the plant
Care to use the product at regular intervals, 15 days intervals is most effective.
Do not use any chemical fertilizers 30 minutes before or after the use of MacTM Root Tonic.

MacTM Root Tonic

Root inducing hormones (Auxins) are a major factor included in plant growth, flowering and fruiting. Each and every function of plants is controlled by hormones. The essential hormones that are required for plants are maintained in the proportion in our product named MacTM Grow Tonic.
MacTM Root Tonic enters into the plant body through roots. The rooting hormones present in the mixture ensure faster development of roots for fresh plants. It also enables healthy growth of roots and plants and high yields.

Usage recommendation
Mix and dissolve 1 litre of MacTM Root Tonic to 1000 litre water and use to the base of plants.
Care to use the product at regular intervals, 15 days intervals is most effective.
Do not use any chemical fertilizers 30 minutes before or after the use of MacTM Root Tonic.

MacTM Vita Capsules

(Micro nutrients + Growth promoter + protective agents)
The progress of an agriculture based nation depends on the upliftment of agriculture. It can be achieved by high production with cost – effective ways. For this it is necessary to be nature friendly and in close contact with the agriculture realm.
MacTM Vita capsules are so effective to diseased plants; removing their diseases as well as symptoms and makes them healthier as before. The product clears an easy way to the delivery the plant protective measures to ordinary farmers in an easy and cheaper way.
Many elements present in water, air and soil are essential for plant growth. Due to the use of chemical fertilizers their amount declined by a good amount. MacTM Vita capsules provide an early remedy for this. The capsule is formulated with proper proportions of essential elements. The usage of these capsules helps farmers to avoid the expense of additional labour. The capsule has Ca, S, Mg, Fe, Zn etc…are in essential proportion. MacTM vita capsules also have growth promoters and protective agents in formulation.

Advantages of MacTM-Vita Capsules
MacTM Vita capsules provides the crop with excellent disease resistance and by increasing the photosynthesis rate, crop yield is also increased up to 20 – 30%
Prevents the falling off of young leaves and immature fruits.
Reduces the cost of production by a good amount
Prevents the damage of shoot tips and fresh leaves.
Prevents the whitening and yellowish colourings of the leaves.
Prevents the yellowing and early falling of leaves.
Prevents the whitening and yellowish colourings of the leaves.
Reduces the wilting of leaf stems due to Cu deficiency
Controls the yellow coloration with black spots in the leaves.

Usage manual
No of capsules
Intervals and Distance of application from plant
40 days, 6 feet from plant bottom.
40 days ,3 feet from bottom
40 days, 2 feet from bottom
40 days, 2 feet from bottom
twice ½ feet from bottom before flowering
twice yearly ½ feet from bottom before flowering
twice yearly ½ feet from bottom before flowering
Flowering plants
twice yearly ½ feet from bottom before flowering
twice yearly ½ feet from bottom before flowering