Eco friendly and non toxic products.
Organic Fertilizers   |   Bio Fertilizers   |   Growth Promoters   |   Bio Control Agents   |   Plants

  With out interfering the harmony of nature, the method of farming based upon the seasonal climate changes and production of healthy and tasty products constantly and regularly, can be called as Organic Farming.
Organic farming aims at the production of high quality and safe agriculture products, which means the products or the methods which is not at all harmful to the eco-system, human beings or other useful organisms. The organic fertilizers enriches the soil quality. The soil possesses three natures: the physical, chemical and biological. Only through the use of bio fertilizers, these three natures of the soil can be enriched usefully Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Blue-Green algae, VAM, Phosphobacteria etc are the useful and plant friendly microbes present in Bio fertilizers.

Mac WinnerTM Organic Fertilizer :

The essential factors like Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P) and Potassium (K) which are required for the healthy growth of plants and for increasing soil fertility also present in the accurate ratios in Mac WinnerTM . More over many micro elements like Cu, Zn, Mg, Fe etc are abundant in this product.

By the use of Mac WinnerTM Organic Fertilizer; the fertility of the soil as well as the physical, chemical and biological nature also gets enriched. Thus resulting in the rapid growth of drops productivity and disease resistance also increases up to 20 – 30 % Wheat, paddy, coconut, arecanut, plantain, pepper, rubber, coffee, tea, vanilla, maize, cardamom, vegetables, fruits etc are the plants that are highly benefited by using Mac WinnerTM

 Advantages :
  Mac WinnerTM fertilizes soil as well as underground water and increase the yield.
  Ensures the biodiversity of the soil which are essential for plants.
  Makes the soil highly fertile with out losing the essential elements.
  Makes and retains the humidity of surface soil.
  Enriches the physical status of the soil and increases the productivity potential.
  Locally available and renewable raw-materials which are natural are utilized to increase soil fertility.
  Reduces the wastage of energy.
  Retains the usual equilibrium of nature.
  Increases the yield up to 20 – 30%

 Usage Manual
Crop Amount
Paddy 250kg / acre
Coconut 5 kg 3times
Areca nut 2.5 kg.
Cashew 5 kg.
Plantain 1.5 kg
Rubber 2.5 kg.
Pineapple 750 kg / acre
Crop Amount
Cardamoms 750 kg / acre
Coffee 250 kg / acre
Vanilla 750 kg / acre
Vegetables 500 kg / acre
Tapioca 750 kg / acre
Cocoa 2 kg.
Papaya 0.5 kg.

MacTM Evergreen Vermi Compost

Earth worms are the tractors as well as the fertilizer factory of nature. Usually we are using ‘Udriless Yugine’, an African Earth Worm to produce Vermi Compost. It contains essential elements such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K) etc. Vermi Compost contains sufficient kinds of Enzymes, Anti-Biotics, Hormones, Vitamins etc; besides it can accept the plants immediately.

MacTM Bone meal

Genuine Bonemeal. Without any chemical product and prepared in advanced machineries.

MacTM Sarathy Brand Ground Nut Cake

Its pure groundnut cake void of mixing other things so it is edible for domestic animals and it is used as natural fertilizer for all plants.

MacTM Neem Gold (Neem Cake)

Neem cake is a well suited product for almost all crops, not only it nourishes the plant and increases the productivity but it also prevents many microbes that are harmful to the plants. But it is true that pure neem cake with out adulteration is almost unavailable to the farmers.
Mac Hi-TechTM collect the good quality Neem seeds from Tamilnadu & Gujrat. Using high technological machineries neem cake is prepared in the factory itself.
MacTM Neem Gold is a high quality product from Mac Hi-TechTM team.